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卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris): Der Wahrheit verpflichtet - 有声读物

20.01.2021 Calon Presiden AS dari Partai Demokrat Joe Biden mengumumkan Kamala Harris sebagai calon Wakil Presiden, yang akan bertarung dalam Pilpres AS 2020 pada November mendatang. 1 day ago 07.02.2021

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1 day ago 07.02.2021 20.01.2021 Kamala Harris, 19 de agosto de 2020 En 2017, la vicepresidenta Harris fue juramentada en el Senado de los Estados Unidos. En su primer discurso, ella habló a favor de los inmigrantes y refugiados


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Am Ende war dann klar: Joe Biden hat die Wahl gewonnen. Er wird neuer Präsident. Seine Vize-Präsidentin – also Stellvertreterin – wird die Politikerin Kamala Harris. Es ist das 1. Mal, dass eine Frau Vize-Präsidentin in den USA wird. Ihre Eltern waren Einwanderer. Sie kommen aus den Ländern Jamaika und Indien. 有任何问题,请给我们留言, 管理员邮箱:tinglishi@gmail.com 站长QQ :56065533 免责声明:本站部分资料来源于网络,仅供英语爱好者免费学习,如果侵犯您的权益 ,请与我们联系,我们会尽快处理。 Miss Harris is the first black woman on a major presidential ticket in American history. David Willis has the details. We are told that came down to about 90 minutes before the announcement today that he telephoned Kamala Harris and offered her the job as his running mate. She accepted, of course.

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5, Kamala Harris backs mandatory assault weapon buybacks 2020-08-14, 玩 · 下载. 6, Nuclear lab executives forced to deconstruct their 'White male culture'  大多数DC地区公共图书馆都提供在线数据库,电子书,有声读物,杂志以及电影 那么很多经典书籍都属于公共领域,可以在首选的电子书应用程序中免费下载。 文章的音频版,节选自即将发行的有声读物,作者JohnPruden,并且提供MP3下载。 Jackson began  懒人听小说-热门有声小说大全. 拜登的竞选搭档贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)早些时候在推特上要求支持者捐款5美元,以帮助支付可能长达数周的诉讼费。 如果你的学校在知网购买了相应的下载版权,那恭喜你,你通过校园网就能免费下载了。 夜神下載遊戲Big bang theory. 免費歌詞下載! 美國首位印度裔副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)的姪女、美國律師哈里斯(Meena Harris)也將抗議事件與1 

They include Senators Kamala Harris, Dick Durbin and Cory Booker and House Representatives John Lewis and Sheila Jackson Lee. All are Democratic Party members. Jeffries told VOA many of the arguments against the First Step Act were based on false ideas. Kamala Harris had long been seen as the frontrunner in presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden’s vice presidential search. 2020-08-18 编辑:Wendy [经济学人一周要闻] 经济学人:一周要闻 拜登任命哈里斯为副手 俄罗斯干涉拜登参选 芝加哥发生暴力抢劫 In May, Senators Kamala Harris of California, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, and Ed Markey of Massachusetts introduced the Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act, which would provide $2,000 per month to every individual with an income below $120,000 for the duration of the pandemic, although the proposal has a slim chance of passing Congress. Am Ende war dann klar: Joe Biden hat die Wahl gewonnen. Er wird neuer Präsident. Seine Vize-Präsidentin – also Stellvertreterin – wird die Politikerin Kamala Harris. Es ist das 1. Mal, dass eine Frau Vize-Präsidentin in den USA wird. Ihre Eltern waren Einwanderer. Sie kommen aus den Ländern Jamaika und Indien. 有任何问题,请给我们留言, 管理员邮箱:tinglishi@gmail.com 站长QQ :56065533 免责声明:本站部分资料来源于网络,仅供英语爱好者免费学习,如果侵犯您的权益 ,请与我们联系,我们会尽快处理。 Miss Harris is the first black woman on a major presidential ticket in American history. David Willis has the details. We are told that came down to about 90 minutes before the announcement today that he telephoned Kamala Harris and offered her the job as his running mate. She accepted, of course. Pete Buttigieg has been sworn in by Vice President Kamala Harris as the new Secretary of Transportation. sworn in 宣誓就职. Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court. 托马斯将在今天宣誓就任最高法院法官 。 2.

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